Drop-offs are for the carpool & Bottlenecks are for chardonnay

Increase Traffic In All The Right Ways

The biggest mistake you can make is to equate likes, comments, and shares to social media success. We all like likes. But you know what’s even better? Tangible results. With the average person spending 135 minutes a day on social networks, it’s easy to see why platforms like Facebook dominate the paid social ad landscape with 65% of total ad spend. Beyond likes, what you should be looking for are the kind of results that justify that spend.

In today’s digital world, it’s adapt or die for the eCommerce store looking to scale. Your customers are on social media, so you should be too. But you need to be there in the right way. This means targeting the right audience, at the right time, with the right ad, that, ultimately, delivers results.

But What Exactly Is Paid Advertising?

Paid advertising is a valuable instrument in the ROI Medics toolkit because it offers an affordable and measurable way to reach customers. Most people understand it as pay-per-click (PPC) ads that comprise Google AdWords, Facebook, Instagram, and other social channels. Not only does it give you the chance to broadcast your message across multiple platforms, but your paid advertising can scale as your store does.

The bad news? In order to see actual results from your paid advertising, you need to take on a strategic, data-driven approach. So where most people look for engagement on social media, you look for the right kind of metrics.

Not Just Prescriptions, But Remedies

Are your ads generating about as much traffic as a comically large tumbleweed on a farm road?

It’s a good thing we’ve resuscitated many dying ad accounts then!

At Ecommerce Medics, we take a different approach to our ads. We help your eCommerce store plan, create, run, and measure a variety of ads on Facebook or Instagram. Our sophisticated campaigns are based on highly effective marketing strategies and are measured in results. Whether it’s milk or milk duds, our strategic ad campaigns will put your product out there when it matters most.

  • Based on buyer psychology: We identify clearly who it is that you want to target, what their pain points are, what language they respond to, when they are most active, and then we map out where and how to find them on the relevant social channel.
  • Sophisticated campaigns: To ensure that nobody ever slips through the retargeting cracks, we run multi-tiered ads that speak to every stage that your customer might be in and retarget those who already know your brand with new ads. This results in a return on ad spend (ROAS) increase of 5 - 20 times.
  • Strategic cost reduction: Your ads shouldn’t stay the same. This means a difference in both results and cost. We rely on the data to tell us what works and what doesn’t so that we can do more of what does to increase revenue and decrease cost per acquisition (CPA.)
  • Optimized ads, all the time: Ever run across an ad you’ve seen countless times before but never clicked on? Same. This is why we test every element of an ad set from headline to creative to pinpoint the most effective ways to reach the right audience.
  • From post to performance: From image design and social media copywriting to measuring performance, our team takes care of all your ads behind the scenes so you can focus on your store.

How It Works

So you want to slide into their timelines? Great! First thing’s first, we gotta assess your vitals. 

  • Lab tests: We analyze your existing ads and measure their performance metrics like click-through or conversion rates. If you have no existing paid advertising campaigns, we evaluate your product/service, target audience, and business goals.
  • Diagnosis: Based on the initial analysis, we determine how your ads can be optimized for best results or what ad campaigns you should run on which platforms.
  • What the doctor ordered: We know your test results and diagnosis. Time to put together a treatment plan with mapped out ad campaigns and a tiered approach.
  • Test, optimize, repeat.

Ready for profitable, scalable, and predictable paid ads?
